re than 32,000 lights and ornaments that, according to journalist Andrea day, is used to “raise funds for local charities and bring a little Christmas cheer in Lindenhurst.”
But in what was described as a “holiday crackdown,” Groth received two citations: one is “because the decorations … are the property of the village. The other is for electrical work without a permit. “Day added that village officials say” all power would be a great danger, perhaps even lead someone to a state of shock. “This B-roll show that children playing among the decorations.” The family has been warned for several years, “Day continues.
There was no question about Juliet Huddy Christmas mojo. “Do not remove the Ginger Man!” She said finally.
But O’Reilly said: “I know what the woman trying to do. But is it too much? ”
Just the fact that he even asked such a question must have sent a shock wave in the heart of the Christmas warriors throughout the country, if not the world.
O’Reilly went on to say Groth “intention is good, but it could be – imagine if you lived next to this woman. I mean, you’d be blinded. It would take to get a German shepherd to show you. There is a lot of power. ”
“You are very Scrooge-like,” Huddy country. She thought the city should lighten up and go back. “She does it for charity. It raises money for charity. The people of his district should collect money for her to pay an electrician. ”
But O’Reilly said: “I think a compromise could be reached only men of ginger may be one or two might be