Writer Tess Stimson did not stop, and ask whether the men she dated in the 20s have one. "If a man is already a person cancel his ruined dinner in the bin or a dog, and said he was cheating and one, not me."
After the young lady was older, married man, she describes her discovery that the man himself, after they were married, and was cheating again, and Karmah. "I got eight years after marrying, owing to neglect, and, yes, a little tired of attending to the needs of my husband's high maintenance alpha male. Another woman (the number in later wife of four) in the blood scented water and swooped in, stealing a man of my country. It was not more than I deserve: bounty Karma plan. "
Themes of treason and adultery large looming in the best selling novels in the fortysomething, including matters a good one, and a series of treason and adultery club. "There is a new generation of women out there who believe in taking what, who, want, who knows, maybe you're one of them. I admit that I was. How else do you think I know what's up bitches."
Three of every four men and deception, or fraud, will their wives and / or friends, she believes, and it statistically they are used to start new non-fiction book won the dog: how to put an end to another woman steal your man. "Some women prefer married men are in fact '. They are already house trained 'and one lady put me in recent times.' Knows the importance of jewelry and they are grateful '.
"Let's face it, is easy to seduce men pitifully, and the fact of the matter is that, to borrow a phrase from Oscar Wilde, who knew little about it: Men can resist anything but temptation."
He is married to Stimson, who began her political career as a journalist for insecticide-treated nets, and her second husband, a mother of three. Based guide her feisty new personal experience romantic variety. Views of the experts said, including advice on how to put the spark back into a relationship, and how to tell if your partner is vulnerable to attack another woman, how to know if it really is not sincere and being exactly what to do if it is.
The controversial opinions. "Let's get one bitch excuse my favorite out of the way here and now '. You can not steal a man, 'moans as defensive,' they do not suitcases. And choose who they want to be with '. Yes, I am the Virgin Mary, and we all know what a woman can lead a man from the nose - or rather, from the bottom of anatomy has - If he has a mind, and a short skirt. stupid men, but women in cold blood, and without conscience, and we all know who is really to blame. "
How do I know if your partner is vulnerable to attack from another woman
"Simply are addicted to seduce some women: high reeling in a man, and maybe they have self-esteem issues: her father did not tell them they're beautiful enough when they were little, and perhaps they were always at the school past and can be obtained for the team network, and perhaps they cattle only a little selfish. Who cares?
"For these Felt sad and down to get out, what happened to the best of a married man? There are not added to the buzz just to get a man in bed, but after the rise of his wife or girlfriend to get you."
According to Stimson, exposure can be measured on the trail a prostitute by asking yourself the following questions:
1> Do you still give him oral sex?
2> Do you know exactly what to do at work (except for his update to entry or look at porn)?
3> Is the book a bedroom with each other?
4> Do you pee in front of him?
5> you even have a pair of socks any more?
6> Do you tell him he's wonderful and exciting every day (as opposed to complaining about it under your breath)?
How to find out if it's really
Being unfaithful
"The gap can mistresses into two camps, and in one, we have the mercenaries, the World Health Organization, needs a husband - when-you-can - borrow someone else, mistresses professional, these are girls jewelry expensive hunt, jewelry, meals in restaurants in five-star weekends in Paris in someone else's dime.
"If you did not participate the man is very rich (and too stupid to get by the National Unity Party), they do not want him to is usually based on a full-time, and it will not get the dream of participating in household chores like washing socks, and food shopping or the duties of boring you go with marriage.
"These women are after the spin-off, a little bit of fun (yes, adultery is such a shouted), perhaps a job or promotion. They're not difficult to determine, and frankly any man f ** it is not them, and Kansas' t understand the nature of commercial transactions are dumb sh * t who deserves everything that is happening.
"Including the difficult immediately are those in the other camp, this is the woman who does not seem like bitches. Are the ones who are 'in love' and 'can not help it.' Can be any person: you, me, your sister, your mother . mousy girls. dull girls. flashy, shameless extroverts. battleaxes old wrinkle I thought it was a long time in the past. sweet teens I sponsored a one-time. You are no less of a woman suspect. women that you trust. "
At the same time, can be measured according to Stimson, whether your man is being unfaithful or not by asking yourself these questions:
Not 1> slept with many women before?
2> Do you have more female friends than male friends?
3> Do you friends about the screw?
4> Does he cheated on previous girlfriends?
Not 5> and deceive his father than ever on his mother?
6> Do you think that prostitutes, oral sex, or virtual affairs is not a fraud?
7> Is it a thrill, Chaser?
How to put the spark back in your relationship - and have him 'get rid of the dog'
She may be a new woman, but the wife has the advantage of home, and believes Stimson. "Most men do not want to leave their wives. They are too lazy, it's very expensive and they love their families - including you. It is very difficult to convince a man that sticks to what was not convinced he really has nothing to lose - which means you do not have to do a lot to tilt the balance in favor of the private sector. "
Another woman is not safe. "A man having an affair is not only to his wife, lies to the dog, too, and whatever bulls ** t he feed you, and they get help double '. My wife and I to live an independent life, and we haven 't slept together since I was born we have the smallest. I'll leave as soon as children both in school. Blah, blah.' All women never know what some of the married men leave their wives, and convince themselves that it will be Among the small percentage of them it works, but in my heart, and she knows the odds are stacked against them. It is also unsafe as hell.
"Therefore, to maintain the trail of fraud, and planting seeds of discord between him and them. Make everyone sure those around you - especially colleagues do - to see how I like the two of you. Havoc on the dates and a loving romantic by changing your plans at the last moment. Decides suddenly to go with him when he goes off on an errand and do not take 'no' for an answer. show you understand him by sending him sexy texts (she checks his phone too) and buy him treats they'll see. "
Men are inherently lazy. "A large part of the appeal of dog is that it makes things easy for him: there are no conditions or sex, the disturbing No, no baggage. A little slip dramatically, but if he has to work very hard for it, also, very simply, he does not" .
It's easy peasy, says Stimson. If you are 100pc designed to keep on your feet, and make sex at home and fun adventure. And easy.