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Monday, June 14, 2010

Blood pressure drugs may be linked to cancer

A group of drugs used widely to treat high blood pressure and heart failure may be linked to cancer, a new study indicate.

Was associated with the use of angiotensin receptor blockers (Arab) with a "risk of a modest increase" to a new diagnosis of cancer, the researchers said.

One expert called in spite of the risk of cancer while taking one of the drugs was small, the results "" disturbing and exciting.

Others urged patients to life-saving drugs not to stop taking the medicines for them. Are usually described the councils of the treatment of high blood pressure and heart failure, kidney damage due to diabetes.

It works by inhibiting the activity of the hormone prevents the blood vessels of the pending, and thus raise blood pressure.


Although the drug is safe, according to one of the previous trial a significant increase in cases of fatal cancer in patients who were treated with the ARB candesartan.

To conduct a new investigation, U.S. researchers grouped together and analyze all the information published in earlier studies by the Gazette in November 2009.

They also considered the new data from five trials involving 61 590 patients, and trends related to lung, prostate and breast cancer, and deaths from cancer. Part of the analysis involved deaths among 93 515 patients who participated in eight trials. More than 85pc of the patients who eat one type of ARB, telmisartan.

The results showed that the diagnosis 7.2pc of patients who deal with the councils of the new cancer during the period of four years, compared with 6PC of patients not treated with the drug.

Although the result was great, The authors, led by Dr. Ilke Sipahi, Cleveland, Ohio, which should be seen in context.

Among the specific types of cancer screening device solid, only the risk of lung cancer and a significant increase in the councils of the patients who ate. These risks have been raised from 0.7pc to 0.9pc.

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